Friday 11 June 2010

Deline and Fall- Evelyn Waugh

After a few whoppers of books, I decided to read this, as its thin, and having not read Brideshead, or whatever else Waugh had done, I had no expectations.
Paul Pennyfeather is expelled from Oxford College, and turns to teaching at Llanabba Castle meets a friend Beste-Chetwynde. But Margot, Beste-Chetwynde's mother, introduces him to the questionable delights of high society. and is promptly whisked to jail on white slave trafficking charges.
It reminded me of a Tom Sharpe novel, but without the jokes. Full of satire for the higher classes, and filled with highly improbably events, I found this a nice read, full of humour and comic events, but I'll probably forget it shortly.

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