Tuesday, 8 June 2010

The Beat that my heart skipped

Finally got round to watching this, a DVD lent to me ages ago by Hamish. There must be a million films that are 'typically French'- and this is one. Whether its just that a film is shot in France and all the people speak French that makes it this way, or there is something subtler in the way its shot or whatever, being 'typically French' is one of those things that puts a little 'oh that might be good then, because they know how to do stuff like make films' thoughts in your head.

Its pretty good, its not great, but its pretty good. The story actually was a bit shit- a real-estate guy tries to play piano, fails....and thats about it. He shags some women and stabs some blokes along the way, but all in all its about him trying to play the piano, and although unwittingly I did start to care if he could play the piano, its still not an amazing story, and not one I will remember long.


  1. whatever.

    It's totally good. What do you want from it? Juliette Binoche? More sex? More onions? Romain Duras is going to squeaze your balls off if I don't first.

  2. Its a real estate agent who tries to play the piano. and fails. If this were made in England you'd be throwing rotten fruit in the cinema.

    I liked Romain Duras, but the plot was rubbish.
