Sunday 11 April 2010

Stalins Nemesis- The exile and murder of Leon Trotsky

Finished this recently, I didnt know much about Trotsky, I knew Stalin was a bad man, but not that they were enemies or anything, or the lengths Stalin went to kill Trotsky. Basically they fall out, he gets sent to Mexico, hangs around with Diego Riviera, Andre Breton and bones Frida Kahlo (behind Rivieras back, whilst the muralist was paying for his exile, the bugger).
You kind of get the feeling Trotsky caused more mayhem than the books says (he was Minister for War after all), but Stalin comes accross as a right dick, he spends ages tracking down and killing Trotsky and his family, whom you cant help taking the side of. The big winner is Lenin, whom is constantly prasied and whom both Trotsky and Stalin looked up to as a messiah.
I like books about Russia, and the was one of the good ones.

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