Saturday 20 March 2010

Little Otik

The 'Weirdest film I've seen' list must have a few contenders- Lynch's Eraserhead of course, Jodorowski's The Holy Mountain blew me away the first time I saw that, but Jan Svankmajers Little Otik now must be a serious contender. I'm a fan of Svankmajers short films, and his version of Alice in Wonderland was surely as weird as Johnny Depp (although I'm yet to see this), but even waiting until 1.00am for this to even start was a stretch (it finished at 3.30am!).
Basically a family who cannot have a baby instead turn to making a wooden baby, which turns alive, grows massive, and eats people. Its over two hours long, so obviously theres a bit more to it, but the middle section is dull as hell, so thats the important bits.
Some of the characters you cant wait to be eaten, mainly the wife and paedo old man- not since I saw Grizzly Man have I wished someone from a film would be devoured, and at least the old man is. Typically of Svankmajer he often turns to animation to describe the wooden baby, whose huge by the end of the film, and has an eyeball in its mouth. 
Despite an ambigous ending, and a boring middle section, any fan of strangeness would enjoy this

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