Saturday 13 March 2010

The girl with the bigger dragon tattoo

Ive written what, five posts so far? Its probably too early to repeat a subject, but today we went to watch the film version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
This year I've generally been reducing the stuff I do to working, painting, eating and reading- and the latter part has been recently occupied by Steig Larsson's Millenium trilogy (I finished the second part last night- 'The Girl who Played with Fire', but will refrain from writing a blog about it, as I dont want this to be some Steig Larsson blog- needless to say its imperitive you read it, its fantastic).
Its frequently frustrating when films deviate from a book you love, as this one does on some points, however it only serves to make the film more coherent. Elements that were perhaps superflous in the book have been minimised, and it makes for a well paced, very European, cracking thriller that fully does justice to Larsson. The setting is perfect in a remote village in Sweden, that is constantly filled with eerie snowscapes and the film doesnt hold back from the stronger elements of the book- mainly the bumming the main character takes (Lisbeth Salander player by Noomi Repace- above), nor does it make any of the characters seem anything but normal people (something that'll be missing I guess in the Hollywood version, due in 2012, with some douchbag from Twilight).
As the mystery of what happened to Harriet Vanger 40 years ago gather momentum, multiple murders are discovered, and journalist Michel Blomquivst and hacker Lisbeth Salander get themselves wrapped in a whole host of unruly shenanigans that I can't wait to continue in the next film.
I'll finish on something that'll make me sound like a dick film reviewer who knows what he's doing- it also has a cracking score.

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