Thursday 4 February 2010

Your pulling my Legg

Today Sir Thomas Legg's report regarding the expenses scandal came out (it seems to have 'come out' every week for 4 months), and MPs are told to repay £1.12m. Good, no problems there, obviously in terms of politics its not a huge amount, but on principle, its great news.

But, about half way down this BBC article it casually mentions "Some MPs have criticised Sir Thomas's audit - which itself cost £1.16m".

I'm not one to moan about politics much, I leave that to my colleague Chris's blog. But after months on scandal, the one thing at the back of my mind was, at least we're (taxpayers) getting a bit of money back, whatever it is. But it turns out, the whole thing has cost us another £400,000 or so.
Yeah, we've probably saved future money that would have been stolen, the principles are great, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to know the whole thing has left taxpayers even further out of pocket.
Right, thats the first and last time i'll mention taxpayers. promise

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