Monday 1 October 2012

Riccione to Milan trouble

this post has nothing to do with the rest of my 'blog', but todays situation inspired me to at least try and help the odd person trying to get the Euroline bus from Rimini or Riccione to Milan.

Basically I buggered about trying to find where the stop "Bar il Trovatore" was for ages online, and ended going to Riccione tourist information to ask. THE EUROLINES BUS GOES FROM THE BLOODY MOTORWAY., and its miles away, so you need a taxi to get there. Unless you have a car, and want to leave it near a motorway- Give up on it. Get the regional trains- they are the same price(ish) and are much easier (they dont appear on the Tren Italia website I know, as they want to charge you more for their high speed routes, but they exist- ask a tourist info, or plan your route including stops- Parma is probably the stop if your going Milan way). We saved about 50 euros using regional trains rather than the normal Tren Italia trains.

hopefully this helps someone- it would have helped me.